FabriTRAK Specifications

FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 1 of 8 FABRITRAK® BioTrak® SITE FABRICATED ACOUSTICAL UPHOLSTERED WALL SYSTEM Section 09 84 14 (Formerly 09840)

1.0 GENERAL 1.01 Scope A. Furnish and install FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Stretch Fabric Wall System as manufactured by FABRITRAK SYSTEMS, INC. and as required by the Contract Documents. B. Related Work Elsewhere 1. Preparation of smooth, flat and plumb substrate. 2. Architectural woodwork, masonry, doors and frames, hardware, gypsum drywall, plastering, ceilings, wall covering, painting and electrical work. 3. All electrical outlets and switch boxes must be built out to final depth before work is started. 1.02 Fire Performance Standards A. The stretched fabric wall panels (acoustical or tackable) shall meet the following conditions: For Fire Safety Issues: Must have a Fire Hazard Classification of Class A (0-25 Flame Spread Index, 0-450 Smoke Developed Value) as tested by an accredited fire testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM E-84-08a (or the latest version thereof), Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, incorporating E 2573-07a (or the latest version thereof), Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of SiteFabricated Stretchwall Systems to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics (which includes a longitudinal mid-seam running the entire length of the test specimen to ensure that all components of the system are exposed to the flame front for the duration of the test).

1.03 Qualifications A. The installation work of this Section shall be performed by an authorized dealer, licensed by the manufacturer, and shall be a member of the Wall Upholstery Guild of America (W.U.G.A.) and shall be certified as such. B. Dealer’s installers must have completed a formal, FABRITRAK® Systems, Inc. approved, installation training program. C. FABRITRAK® in sizes 3/8 inch, 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch and 1 inch must be able to be installed on round columns and portholes. D. FABRITRAK® is “Committed to Life Safety”- Fire safety requirements for site fabricated stretch fabric systems have been established by the Life Safety Code and have been implemented into the IBC 2009 and the IFC 2009. In accordance with the latest Steiner FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 2 of 8 Tunnel Test procedure ASTM E-84-08a (or the latest version thereof) using the ASTM E2573- 07a specimen mounting procedure (or the latest version thereof), FABRITRAK® test samples were built to expose a longitudinal midseam to the flame for the entire 10 minute length of the test, representing a typical installed system. All FABRITRAK® systems are tested with a longitudinal midseam requirement to ensure complete compliance with the test standards.

1.04 Quality Assurance A. The fabric shall be stretched tautly over the subsurface and the FABRITRAK® System framework without the use of glue. B. The fabric border shall be inserted completely into the clamping inlet jaws of the FABRITRAK® framework creating a clean, crisp appearance devoid of raw edges or loose threads. C. The fabric shall be installed from the face side after framework is securely fastened to ensure perfect horizontal and vertical grain alignment. D. The fabric pattern shall be matched and true; certain fabrics cannot be matched. E. The fabric shall be removable and replaceable for changeability and to provide access to the surface behind the fabric. F. The framework shall not “read through” the fabric. G. An interlining shall be installed beneath the fabric in the event a translucent fabric has been specified. H. The stretched fabric system must have a Fire Hazard Classification of Class A tested by an accredited fire testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM E-84-08a (or the latest version thereof), Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, incorporating E 2573-07a (or the latest version thereof). 1.05 Submittal A. Submit manufacturer’s product specifications and such other data as may be required to show compliance with the contract documents. B. Submit in writing to the Owner, through the Architect, the manufacturer’s dealer certification. C. Submit installation Dealer’s Five (5) Year Limited Warranty against defects in the FABRITRAK® materials and workmanship. D. Installation dealer shall submit a list with a minimum of five (5) comparable installations as references, with appropriate reference-contact information to attest to Dealer’s Quality and Integrity.

E. Submit written proof of a certified recycling program showing that all of the FABRITRAK® BioTrak® System’s “Trak” is recycled using the FABRITRAK® System’s Disposal, Recycling and Reclamation Program (copies available upon request). F. FABRITRAK® BioTrak® is specified on this project – Submit manufacturer’s letter certifying addition of specially formulated modifiers to FABRITRAK® BioTrak® allowing it to biodegrade in land fill situations. FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 3 of 8

G. Submit test report documentation showing that the stretched fabric wall system (acoustical or tackable) has a Fire Hazard Classification of Class A as tested by an accredited fire testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM E-84-08a (or the latest version thereof), Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, incorporating E 2573-07a (or the latest version thereof), Standard Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Site-Fabricated Stretchwall Systems to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics (which includes a longitudinal mid-seam running the entire length of the test specimen to ensure that all components of the system are exposed to the flame front for the duration of the test).

1.06 Product Handling A. Store all materials off the ground and protect from dirt and dust of construction operations. B. Handle materials in a manner that will protect them from damage and soiling. C. Ensure that all FABRITRAK® discards and non-usable pieces are returned to FABRITRAK® Systems, Inc. for disposal in the Disposal, Recycling and Reclamation program. 2.0 PRODUCTS 2.01 Acoustical Wall Treatment System A. The system shall consist of site installed and fabricated, concealed FABRITRAK® BioTrak® as manufactured by FABRITRAK® SYSTEMS, INC. For the authorized dealer in your area contact: The Bartley Group, Inc. Fabric Wallcraft of California, Inc. “Committed to Life Safety” 27071 Cabot Rd., Suite 125 2921 E. La Palma Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (888) 846-0029 Phone: 714-632-8373 Fax: (949) 600-5309 Toll Free: 800-615-0516 Bart Moore Erik Hile info@bartleygroup.com Erikh@fabricwallcraft.com www.bartleygroup.com www.fabricwallcraft.com B. The System Components shall consist of the following : 1. Rigid vinyl framework with serrated clamping jaws, one-piece section 1” wide by 1” thick, fire retardant BioTrak® in natural or green color options. BioTrak® is FABRITRAK® System’s biodegradable framework made from fire retardant vinyl material with the addition of specially formulated modifiers that permit the framework to biodegrade in landfill conditions. (Select correct thickness below, eliminate others not used) a. Rigid vinyl framework with serrated clamping jaws, one-piece section 1” wide by 3/8” thick, fire retardant Bio-Trak®. FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 4 of 8 b. Rigid vinyl framework with serrated clamping jaws, one-piece section 1” wide by 1/2” thick, fire retardant Bio-Trak®. c. Rigid vinyl framework with serrated clamping jaws, one-piece section 1” wide by 3/4" thick, fire retardant Bio-Trak®. d. Rigid vinyl framework with serrated clamping jaws, one-piece section 1” wide by 1” thick, fire retardant fire retardant Bio-Trak®. e. Rigid vinyl framework with serrated clamping jaws, one-piece section 1” wide by 1-1/4” thick, fire retardant Bio-Trak®. f. Rigid vinyl framework with serrated clamping jaws, one-piece section 1” wide by 2” thick, fire retardant Bio-Trak®. 2. FABRI-TRAK® BioTrak® System is available with the following edge profiles: (Select the correct profile below, eliminate the others not used) a. RE-Radius (available in 3/8”, ½”, and 1” track thickness) b. SE-Square (available in 3/8”, ½”, ¾”, 1”, 1 ¼ “, and 2” track thickness) c. BE-Bevel (available in 3/8”, ½”, and 1” track thickness) 3. FABRI-TRAK® BioTrak® System is available with the following in-fills (sub-surfaces). (Select the correct in-fill below, eliminate the others not used) ACOUSTICAL: a. Terra Core ™ Acoustical Recycled Cotton ASTM E84, Class A Fire-Rated. 100% Formaldehyde Free- (available in ½”SE, RE, BE; 1” SE, RE, BE; 1 ¼” SE, 2”SE thicknesses) PLEASE SPECIFY COLOR: Denim (standard), Grey, or White. b. Acoustical Compressed Fiberglass ASTM E84 Class A Fire-Rated (available in ½” SE, RE, BE; ¾” SE (by special order); 1”SE, RE, BE; 1 ¼” SE [Architect to specify if infill is furred 1/4" off substrate based on acoustical goals]; 2” SE [2" thick fiberglass - by special order (or) 2-layers of 1" thick fiberglass] PLEASE SPECIFY DENSITY BASED ON ACOUSTICAL GOALS: 3.0#, 4.5#, 6.0#, 9.0# and various other densities c. FABRI-FILL™ compressible FR polyester padding (available in 3/8”, ½” and ¾” thicknesses) FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 5 of 8 ACOUSTICAL/ TACKABLE: a. ACOUSTICAL/ TACKABLE 100% POLYESTER BOARD ASTM E84 Class A FireRated with a minimum of 60% recycled materials and 100% formaldehyde free-(available in the options below): i. 1/2" thick acoustical/ tackable 100% polyester board (½” SE, RE, BE system) ii. 1" thick acoustical/ tackable 100% polyester board (1” SE, RE, BE system) iii. 1 1/4" thick acoustical/ tackable 100% polyester board (1 1/4” SE system)- [Architect to specify if infill is furred 1/4" off substrate based on acoustical goals] iv. 2”thick acoustical/ tackable 100% polyester board (2” SE system) - composed of (2) layers of 1" thick board to achieve a 2" total thickness. b. ACOUSTICAL/ TACKABLE FIBERGLASS BOARD ASTM E84 Class A Fire-Rated- (available in the options below)- i. 1” thick acoustical/ tackable fiberglass board (1” SE, BE, RE system)- comprised of 7/8" thick acoustical/tackable compressed fiberglass board faced with 1/8" 18-22# high density fiberglass to achieve a 1” total thickness. ii. 1 ¼” thick acoustical/ tackable fiberglass board (1 ¼” SE system)- comprised of 1" thick acoustical/tackable compressed fiberglass board faced with 1/8" 18-22# high density fiberglass and an air-gap to achieve a 1 ¼” total thickness. iii. 2” thick acoustical/ tackable fiberglass board (2” SE system)- comprised of an acoustical/tackable compressed fiberglass board faced with 1/8" 18-22# high density fiberglass and an air-gap to achieve a 2" total thickness. TACKABLE ONLY: a. Tackable recyclable mineral fiber board ASTM E84 Class A Fire-Rated containing a minimum of 48% recycled material (available in the options below)- i. 3/8" thick tackable recyclable mineral fiber board (3/8” SE, RE, BE). ii. ½” thick tackable recyclable mineral fiber board (1/2” SE, RE, BE). FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 6 of 8 iii. ¾” thick tackable recyclable mineral fiber board (3/4” SE)-comprised of (2) layers of 3/8" thick tackable mineral fiber board to achieve a ¾” total thickness. iv. 1" thick tackable recyclable mineral fiber board (1” SE, RE, BE)-comprised of (2) layers of 1/2" thick tackable USG Micore 300 fiberboard. PLEASE REFER TO ELEVATIONS FOR WHICH SUBSURFACE AREAS SHOULD BE ACOUSTICAL AND WHICH SHOULD BE TACKABLE; OR BOTH. 4. Fabric: Shall be approved by the Installation Dealer as to suitability in its usage with the FABRI-TRAK® System. The Architect (for the owner) shall submit the following information concerning the fabric to the Installation Dealer. The Architect may specify that the fabric shall be of recycled material. a. Fabric Manufacturer b. Width of the Fabric c. Contents d. Style Number e. Color f. Flame Retardant g. Sample of Fabric (at least 12”x12”)  The fabric is to be supplied by the Installation Dealer 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 Existing Conditions A. Examine the condition of the substrate and the conditions under which the work of the section is to be performed. Notify the contractor in writing or any unsatisfactory conditions. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner satisfactory to the installer. B. Do not install acoustical wall panel fabric in any space until: 1. The space is enclosed and is weather tight. 2. All wet work has been completed and is dry. 3. Painting is completed and wall base and floor covering installed. 4. All adjacent and related work of other trades has been completed including, in part architectural woodwork, masonry, doors and frames, hardware, gypsum drywall, plastering, wall covering, painting, ceiling grid, and electrical work. 5. Ambient temperature and humidity are continuously maintained at values indicated for final acceptance of the building or occupancy of the space. FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 7 of 8 3.02 Installation A. Field measure each wall area, which is to receive the acoustical tackable treatment to establish the exact layout of the units as shown on elevations. B. Apply the FABRITRAK® BioTrak® framework in the areas to receive the acoustical wall treatment as shown on the drawings. Secure the framework with suitable mastic and special, heavy -duty, one-inch diverging staples located not more than 2” on center. Other fasteners may be used as required for specific substrates, providing they are in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions and comply with governing regulations and fire resistance rating requirements specified. C. Install the FABRITRAK® BioTrak® framework plumb and straight, flush in proper alignment. D. Install the sub-surface material, continuous and flush, to the shoulder of the track. E. Cut the fabric from each roll marking and maintaining sequence of drops and matching direction of weave for sequential and uniform installation. F. Install the fabric from the face side after the framework is security fastened, to ensure perfect horizontal and vertical grain alignment. G. The fabric shall be stretched tautly, evenly and smoothly, and be free of defects and flaws. H. No stapling or gluing of fabric to core or channels will be permitted. I. Penetrations through the face of the fabric of any kind (i.e. staples, nails, etc.) will be prohibited. J. Pre-wrapped, prefabricated, or wood ground systems do not meet the intent of this specification. K. Z-clip, Velcro® or glued installation techniques do not meet the intent of this specification. L. Sewn seams of any type (thread of ultra-sonic welds) do not meet the intent of this specification. M. Hinged, self-locking (snap-lock) type mounting extrusions do not satisfy the intent of this specification and will not be accepted. N. Installation shall be timely and installers shall be courteous and cooperate with other trades. FABRITRAK® BioTrak® Site Fabricated Acoustical Stretch Wall System Rev. 1-17-15 8 of 8 O. Installation company to provide an onsite container for recycling any excess/ existing track per certified recycling program requirement using the FABRITRAK® System’s Disposal, Recycling and Reclamation Program referenced in submittal section. P. No substitution of FABRITRAK® BioTrak® shall be permitted. 3.03 Cleaning and Protection A. Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical wall panels. Trim and remove all loose threads. B. Remove surplus materials, rubbish and debris resulting from the FABRITRAK® BioTrak® installation and leave areas of installation in a neat, clean condition. C. If site conditions require, cover fabric panels with vinyl drop cloths. END OF SECTION